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     by Taylor Goelz



when they drive down the road

scattered with roadkill and piles of leaves

she notices the leaves

changing colors


what used to be lush and green and alive

now dying,

oranges and reds and yellows

like a smoldering fire


she asks the leaves:

what’s it like to die so beautifully?

to have people celebrate your death

and connotate it with things like


orange pumpkins

cozy knit-sweaters

and caramel apple cider



they do not cry as they see thousands of leaves

falling to their death

waiting to be frozen onto the ground


they jump in them

and they frolick

and they take pictures

of death


as she transitions from life to death

like the leaves

she will not be beautiful

she will not be shades of orange and red and yellow


she will be grey and dry

decrepate and forgetful

waiting to be frozen into the ground


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