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"I think that we're beginning to remember that the first poets didn’t come out of a classroom."  Poieo "began when somebody walked off of a savanna or out of a cave and looked up at the sky with wonder and said, 'Ahhh.' That was the first poem."


Lucille Clifton

Poeio was "originally the 'divine knowledge' or 'divine hallucinations' of primitive peoples: 'the god-side of our ancient mentality . . . usually, or perhaps always, spoke in verse . . . Poetry then was the language of the gods.'" 


Julian Jaynes

"Poetry can be dangerous, especially beautiful poetry, because it gives the illusion of having had the experience without actually going through it."



"Tell all the Truth but tell it slant."


Emily Dickinson

Poeio is "an act of peace."


Pablo Neruda

Poieo is "eternal graffiti

written in the heart of everyone." 


Lawrence Ferlinghetti

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