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6 Commitments for Transformative Education


"I understand the success of C.L.A.S.S. is dependent on my personal ownership for making a meaningful positive learning experiences for myself and others.

I therefore make the following commitments:


1st Commitment:

I will participate in activities that help others learn more about me, that help me learn more about others, and that stimulate my thinking about the topics we will be exploring on our Raft Days.


2nd Commitment:

I take responsibility for making sure the Raft Days meet my needs by promising to help co-design activities, evaluate the experience prior to, during and after events.


3rd Commitment:

I understand that Raft Days will require an inclusive and welcoming setting. I therefore commit to seek to understand and respond to individuals in a way that values all ideas, beliefs and ways of knowing.


4th Commitment:

I also understand that Raft Days are necessary hard work which take time, may be emotional, and have frustrating ups and downs. I therefore commit to serve as a role model by demonstrating a willingness to learn, to take risks, to trust, to be vulnerable, to honor, and to change.


5th Commitment:

I know that seeking understanding requires thoughtful questioning, an openness to many view points, and may change over time. I therefore commit to a search for deeper understandings in a way that evokes deeper questions, not final answers.


6th Commitment:

Finally, I understand that one of the most important outcomes of our Raft Days is our response to the issues discussed, but that this is only a first step forward. I therefore commit to continue to contribute my gifts and talents to the community and share my success stories and concerns and challenges with others as I pursue the goals of C.L.A.S.S."

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